Window, Door and Siding Permits
A building permit is required for new or replacement windows, doors and siding. Masonry veneer requires building permits.
Project Details
Please note that the required project details will vary based on each project's unique characteristics.
- Window Replacements (number of individual windows)
- Door Replacements (number of individual doors)
- Exterior Veneer or Soffit valuation (not including window/door value)
- Windows Mulled together (Yes/No)
- Mullion FL Product Approval Number
- Window/Door FL Product Approval Number
- Window/Door Manufacturer
- Ext. Veneer/Soffit FL Product Approval Number
- Ext. Veneer/Soffit Manufacturer
- Ext. Veneer/Soffit Material and Applied Over
Project Checklist, Affidavits and Information Sheets
- Affidavits
- Information Sheets
Review Time Frame
The review time frame for a window/door/siding permit is 5 work days.